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NanoSciences in Brazil

Who we are?

The creation of the National Institute of Science and Technology of Carbon Nanomaterials (INCT Nanocarbono) in 2009, among other INCTs focused on nanotechnology, comes to subsidize the formation of national intelligence and the country's capacity to apprehend, develop and articulate processes and productive conditions currently dominated by a select group of companies and countries that invest in high technology.

The INCT Nanocarbono currently brings together 115 PhD researchers (physicists, chemists, biologists and engineers), with respective teams of master's students, doctoral students, post-doctoral students, scientific initiation students, interns and technicians from 30 research institutions (universities, research centers and companies), located in 10 Brazilian states.

The INCT Nanocarbono strengthens our scientific leadership and subsidizes national technological development, through research and the search for knowledge and applications of carbon nanomaterials in different fields of activities, through studies aimed at safe use and the evaluation of possible impacts on the environment and the health of workers and consumers.

One of the INCT's key objectives is to transform the scientific-technological processes that it develops into protocols for the manufacture and characterization of nanomaterials and nanodevices, basic procedures for registering patents and technology transfer.

General purposes of the INCT Nanocarbono
  • Carry out unprecedented, relevant and internationally competitive investigations in the physics, chemistry, engineering and biology of carbon nanomaterials;

  • Develop applications of carbon nanomaterials  in the areas of energy, civil construction, aerospace, biomedicine, electronics and agriculture;

  • Train high-quality human resources at different levels – undergraduate, graduate and post-doctoral;

  • Maintain a national network of high-level researchers and research groups, in permanent contact with collaborators abroad, to produce excellent research in a cooperative manner;

  • Stimulate the development of carbon nanomaterials research in emerging research centers and companies;

  • Transfer the knowledge originating from our research and training to society, using different means of dissemination, which reach the community in general and primary and secondary schools in particular.

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The creation, in 2009,  of the National Institute of Science and Technology of Carbon Nanomaterials (INCT Nanocarbono), among other INCTs focused on nanotechnology, comes to subsidize the formation of national intelligence and capacity of the country to learn, develop and articulate production processes and conditions currently dominated by a select group of companies and countries that invest in high technology.

The INCT Nanocarbono currently brings together 95 PhD researchers (physicists, chemists, biologists and engineers), with respective teams of master's students, doctoral students, post-doctoral students, scientific initiation students, interns and technicians from 30 research institutions (universities, research centers and companies), located in 10 Brazilian states.

The INCT Nanocarbono strengthens our scientific leadership and subsidizes national technological development, through research and the search for knowledge and applications of carbon nanomaterials in different fields of activities, through studies aimed at safe use and the evaluation of possible impacts on the environment and the health of workers and consumers.

One of the INCT's key objectives is to transform the scientific-technological processes that it develops into protocols for the manufacture and characterization of nanomaterials and nanodevices, basic procedures for registering patents and technology transfer.



Thank you for your interest in our survey. Please contact us if you have any questions or comments about our work and publications. We'd love to hear from you.

Department of Physics

Institute of Exact Sciences

Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG)

Av. Antônio Carlos, 6627 CEP 31270-901 Belo Horizonte Minas Gerais – Brazil

+55 (31) 3409-5633

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